Create a run directory


Another useful resource for HEMCO standalone run directory creation instructions is our YouTube tutorial.

HEMCO standalone run directories are created from within the source code. A new run directory should be created for each different version of HEMCO you use. Git version information is logged to file rundir.version within the run directory upon creation.

To create a run directory, navigate to the run/ subdirectory of the source code and execute shell script

$ cd HEMCO/run
$ ./

During the course of script execution you will be asked a series of questions:

Enter ExtData path

The first time you create a HEMCO standalone run directory on your system you will be prompted for a path to the ExtData folder, which is the root data directory for HEMCO (as well as for GEOS-Chem).

The path that you specify should include the name of your ExtData/ directory and should not contain symbolic links. The path you enter will be stored in file ~/.geoschem/config in your home directory as environment variable GC_DATA_ROOT. If that file does not already exist it will be created for you. When creating additional run directories you will only be prompted again if the file is missing or if the path within it is not valid.

Enter path for ExtData:

Choose meteorology source

Enter the integer number that is next to the input meteorology source you would like to use.


Choose meteorology source:
  1. MERRA-2 (Recommended)
  2. GEOS-FP
  3. GISS ModelE2.1 (GCAP 2.0)

Choose horizontal resolution

Enter the integer number that is next to the horizontal resolution you would like to use.

Choose horizontal resolution:
  1. 4.0 x 5.0
  2. 2.0 x 2.5
  3. 0.5 x 0.625
  4. 0.25 x 0.3125
  5. Custom

Enter HEMCO_Config.rc path

Provide the path to a HEMCO_Config.rc file with your emissions settings.

Enter the file path to a HEMCO_Config.rc with your
emissions settings.

 - This should be a HEMCO_Config.rc file from a
   pre-generated GEOS-Chem run directory and not a
   template config file from the GEOS-Chem repository.

 - If you do not have a pre-generated HEMCO_Config.rc file,
   type ./HEMCO_Config.rc.sample at the prompt below.
   This will copy a sample configuration file into your
   run directory.  You can then edit this configuration
   file with your preferred emission settings.

If you have a pre-configured HEMCO_Config.rc file available (e.g. from a GEOS_Chem run directory), then then type the absolute path:


If you do not have a HEMCO_Config.rc template file handy, then type:


This will copy sample HEMCO_Config.rc and HEMCO_Diagn.rc files to the run directory. You can edit these configuration files to include your preferred emission settings.

Refer to the HEMCO Reference Guide for more information about how to edit the HEMCO configuration file.

Enter run directory path

Enter the target path where the run directory will be stored. You will be prompted to enter a new path if the one you enter does not exist.

Enter path where the run directory will be created:

Enter run directory name

Enter the run directory name, or accept the default. You will be prompted for a new name if a run directory of the same name already exists at the target path.

Enter run directory name, or press return to use default:

NOTE: This will be a subfolder of the path you entered above.

If you press return, a default name such as hemco_4x5_merra2, hemco_2x25_geosfp, etc. will be used.

Enable version control (optional)

Enter whether you would like your run directory tracked with Git version control. With version control you can keep track of exactly what you changed relative to the original settings. This is useful for trouble-shooting as well as tracking run directory feature changes you wish to migrate back to a previous version.

Do you want to track run directory changes with git? (y/n)

If a run directory has successfully been created, the name of the run directory will be printed. If you used the default run directory name then you will see output similar to:

Created /path/to/hemco_4x5_merra2


Run directory contents

Navigate to the run directory that was just created and get a directory listing:

$ cd hemco_4x5_merra2
$ ls
build/    HEMCO_Config.rc  HEMCO_sa_Config.rc    HEMCO_sa_Spec.rc  OutputDir/  rundir.version
CodeDir@  HEMCO_Diagn.rc   HEMCO_sa_Grid.4x5.rc  HEMCO_sa_Time.rc  README*

build is the folder is where you will compile HEMCO standalone.

CodeDir is a symbolic link back to the HEMCO source code.

OutputDir is the folder where diagnostic outputs will be generated.

Files ending in .rc are user-edtiable configuration files that control HEMCO standalone simulation options. We will discuss these in more detail more in the Configure a simulation chapter.

The rundir.version file contains information about the Git commit in the HEMCO source code corresponding to this run directory. You will see output similar to this:

This run directory was created with /path/to/hemco/HEMCO/run/

HEMCO repository version information:

  Remote URL:
  Branch: dev
  Commit: Add fixes for generating HEMCO standalone run directory
  Date: Wed Jul 13 10:56:36 2022 -0400
  User: Melissa Sulprizio
  Hash: b29dac4

Changes to the following run directory files are tracked by git:

 [master (root-commit) b8e694d] Initial run directory
 7 files changed, 477 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 HEMCO_Config.rc
 create mode 100644 HEMCO_Diagn.rc
 create mode 100644 HEMCO_sa_Config.rc
 create mode 100644 HEMCO_sa_Grid.4x5.rc
 create mode 100644 HEMCO_sa_Spec.rc