Configure your login environment

In this chapter, you will learn how to load the software packages that you have created into your computational environment. This will need to be done each time you log in to your computer system.


You may skip this section if you plan on using HEMCO standalone on an Amazon EC2 cloud instance. When you initialize the EC2 instance with one of the pre-configured Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) all of the required software libraries will be automatically loaded.

An environment file does the following:

  1. Loads software libraries into your login environment. This is often done with a module manager such as lmod, spack, or environment-modules.

  2. Stores settings for HEMCO and its dependent libraries in shell variables called environment variables.

Environment files allow you to easily switch between different sets of libraries. For example, you can keep one environment file to load the Intel Compilers for HEMCO standalone and another to load the GNU Compilers.

For general information about how libraries are loaded, see our Library Guide in the Supplemental Guides section.

We recommend that you place module load commands into a separate environment file rather than directly into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases startup scripts.

Sample environment file for GNU 10.2.0 compilers

Below is a sample environment file from the Harvard Cannon computer cluster. This file will load software libraries built with the GNU 10.2.0 compilers.

Save the code below (with any appropriate modifications for your own computer system) to a file named ~/gnu102.env.

# Echo message if we are in a interactive (terminal) session
if [[ $- = *i* ]] ; then
  echo "Loading modules for GEOS-Chem, please wait ..."

# Modules (specific to Cannon @ Harvard)

# Remove previously-loaded modules
module purge

# Load modules for GNU Compilers v10.2.0
module load git/2.17.0-fasrc01
module load gcc/10.2.0-fasrc01
module load openmpi/4.1.0-fasrc01
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.3-fasrc03
module load flex/2.6.4-fasrc01
module load cmake/3.17.3-fasrc01

# Environment variables

# Parallelization settings
export OMP_STACKSIZE=500m

# Make all files world-readable by default
umask 022

# Specify compilers
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export FC=gfortran

# Netcdf variables for CMake
# NETCDF_HOME and NETCDF_FORTRAN_HOME are automatically
# defined by the "module load" commands on Cannon.

# Set memory limits to max allowable
ulimit -c unlimited              # coredumpsize
ulimit -l unlimited              # memorylocked
ulimit -u 50000                  # maxproc
ulimit -v unlimited              # vmemoryuse
ulimit -s unlimited              # stacksize

# List modules loaded
module list


Ask your sysadmin how to load software libraries. If you are using your institution’s computer cluster, then chances are there will be a software module system installed, with commands similar to those listed above.

Then you can activate these seetings from the command line by typing:

$ source ~/gnu102.env

Sample environment file for Intel 19 compilers

To load software libraries based on the Intel 19 compilers, we can start from our GNU 10.2.0 environment file and add the proper module load commands for Intel 19.

Add the code below (with the appropriate modifications for your system) into a file named ~/intel19.env.

# Echo message if we are in a interactive (terminal) session
if [[ $- = *i* ]] ; then
  echo "Loading modules for GEOS-Chem, please wait ..."

# Modules (specific to Cannon @ Harvard)

# Remove previously-loaded modules
module purge

# Load modules for Intel compilers v19.0.4
module load git/2.17.0-fasrc01
module load intel/19.0.5-fasrc01
module load openmpi/4.0.1-fasrc01
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.2-fasrc03
module load flex/2.6.4-fasrc01
module load cmake/3.17.3-fasrc01

# Environment variables

# Parallelization settings
export OMP_STACKSIZE=500m

# Make all files world-readable by default
umask 022

# Specify compilers
export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc
export FC=ifort

# Netcdf variables for CMake
# NETCDF_HOME and NETCDF_FORTRAN_HOME are automatically
# defined by the "module load" commands on Cannon.

# Set memory limits to max allowable
ulimit -c unlimited              # coredumpsize
ulimit -l unlimited              # memorylocked
ulimit -u 50000                  # maxproc
ulimit -v unlimited              # vmemoryuse
ulimit -s unlimited              # stacksize

# List modules loaded
module list


Ask your sysadmin how to load software libraries. If you are using your institution’s computer cluster, then chances are there will be a software module system installed, with commands similar to those listed above.

Then you can activate these seetings from the command line by typing:

$ source intel19.env


Keep a separate environment file for each combination of modules that you will load.

Set environment variables for compilers

Add the following environment variables to your environment file to specify the compilers that you wish to use:

Environment variables that specify the choice of compiler


Specifies the:

GNU name

Intel name


C compiler




C++ compiler




Fortran compiler



These environment variables should be defined in your environment file.


Only the Fortran compiler is needed to compile the HEMCO standalone. But if you need to manually install libraries, you will also need the C and C++ compilers.

Set environment variables for parallelization

The HEMCO standalone` uses OpenMP parallelization, which is an implementation of shared-memory (aka serial) parallelization.


OpenMP-parallelized programs cannot execute on more than 1 computational node. Most modern computational nodes typically contain between 16 and 64 cores. Therefore, HEMCO standalone simulations will not be able to take advantage of more cores than these.

Add the following environment variables to your environment file to control the OpenMP parallelization settings:


The OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable sets the number of computational cores (aka threads) to use.

For example, the command below will tell HEMCO standalone to use 8 cores within parallel sections of code:

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8

In order to use HEMCO standalone with OpenMP parallelization, you must request the maximum amount of stack memory in your login environment. (The stack memory is where local automatic variables and temporary $OMP PRIVATE variables will be created.) Add the following lines to your system startup file and to your GEOS-Chem run scripts:

ulimit -s unlimited
export OMP_STACKSIZE=500m

The ulimit -s unlimited will tell the bash shell to use the maximum amount of stack memory that is available.

The environment variable OMP_STACKSIZE must also be set to a very large number. In this example, we are nominally requesting 500 MB of memory. But in practice, this will tell the GNU Fortran compiler to use the maximum amount of stack memory available on your system. The value 500m is a good round number that is larger than the amount of stack memory on most computer clusters, but you can increase this if you wish.

Fix errors caused by incorrect settings

Be on the lookout for these errors:

  1. If OMP_NUM_THREADS is set to 1, then your HEMCO standalone simulation will execute using only one computational core. This will make your simulation take much longer than is necessary.

  2. If OMP_STACKSIZE environment variable is not included in your environment file (or if it is set to a very low value), you might encounter a segmentation fault. In this case, the HEMCO standalone “thinks” that it does not have enough memory to perform the simulation, even though sufficient memory may be present.