The Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO)
The Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) is a software component for computing atmospheric emissions from different sources, regions, and species on a user-defined grid. It can combine, overlay, and update a set of data inventories base emissions and scale factors, as specified by the user through the HEMCO configuration file. Emissions that depend on environmental variables and non-linear parameterizations are calculated in separate HEMCO extensions. HEMCO can be run in standalone mode or coupled to an atmospheric model. A more detailed description of HEMCO is given in Keller et al. [2014] and Lin et al. [2021].
- Introduction to this Guide
- Basic examples
- Example 1: Add global anthropogenic emissions
- Example 2: Overlay regional emissions
- Example 3: Adding the AEIC aircraft emissions
- Example 4: Add biomass burning emissions
- Example 5: Tell HEMCO to use additional species
- Example 6: Add inventories that do not separate out biofuels and/or trash emissions
- The HEMCO configuration file
- HEMCO extensions
- Units in HEMCO
- HEMCO diagnostics
- More configuration examples
- HEMCO under the hood
- Input file format
- Coupling HEMCO to other models
- Known bugs and issues
- HEMCO version history
- Key References
- Load software into your environment
- Build required software with Spack
- Understand what error messages mean
- Debug GEOS-Chem and HEMCO errors
- GEOS-Chem Input Data on AWS cloud
- Manage a data archive with bashdatacatalog
- Parallelize GEOS-Chem and HEMCO source code
- Work with netCDF files
- Prepare COARDS-compliant netCDF files
- View related documentation