Download the source code

The HEMCO source code may be downloaded (aka “cloned”) with Git. By default the git clone command will give you the main branch by default: default.

$ git clone HEMCO
$ cd HEMCO

If you would like a different version of HEMCO you can check out a different branch. For example, to check out the dev branch, type:

$ git checkout dev


To use an older HEMCO version (e.g. 3.0.0), follow these additional steps:

$ git checkout tags/3.0.0                  # Points HEAD to the tag "3.0.0"
$ git branch version_3.0.0                 # Creates a new branch at tag "3.0.0"
$ git checkout version_3.0.0               # Checks out the version_3.0.0 branch
$ git submodule update --init --recursive  # Reverts submodules to the "3.0.0" tag

You can do this for any tag in the version history. For a list of all tags, type:

$ git tag

If you have any unsaved changes, make sure you commit those to a branch prior to updating versions.